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Arroz Tapado Spanish Rice (mixed vegetables with rice)

Arroz Tapado Spanish Rice (mixed vegetables with rice)


  • Liquid oil : 1/4 cup

  • Chopped purple onion : 1 pcs

  • Chopped garlic : 2 cloves

  • Badr tomato paste : 1 tablespoon

  • Minced meat : 450 g

  • Finely chopped carrots : 1/2 cup

  • Raisins: 1/3 cup

  • Chopped black olives: 1/3 cup

  • Chopped boiled eggs: 1/3 cup

  • Chopped parsley: 2 tbsp

Vegetables Mixed 430 g
Tomato Paste Jar 650 g

Fry the onion in oil. When it is clear, add garlic and fry. Then add the minced meat and fry and add the paste. Then add a little water and add the carrots and cook for 5 minutes. After spending the necessary time, add raisins, olives, boiled eggs and parsley and turn off the heat. After that, fry the meat, onion, parsley, egg, etc. and prepare the meat sauce. Then boil the rice with water and after the water dries, mix it with the vegetable mixture and brew it.
When ready, pour a layer of rice and vegetables on the bottom of a bowl , to serve, and smooth the surface with a spoon. Then pour a layer of meat mixture on it. After rice, pour a layer of meat mixture and rice and vegetables again and press. Finally, we put rice on the meat again. Place a bowl on the bowl and return the three-layer pilaf to the bowl.

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