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Pizza mixed with chili peppers

Pizza mixed with chili peppers


  • (Pizza bread)

  • Three zero confectionery flour : 1/5 cup

  • leaven : 1 tablespoon

  • Water : 1/2 cup

  • (Pizza topping)

  • Chopped mushrooms : 200 g

  • Smoked cheese or bacon sausage : 150 grams

  • Grated pizza cheese : 200 g

  • Sesame, black seed, rosemary : as desired

  • Pickled red or green pepper : as desired

  • Ketchup sauce : as needed

Green Pepper Pickled 570 g
Red Pepper Pickled 570 g
Green Peas 430 g

Pour the leaven and water into a suitable container and wait for a few minutes for it to work in the water and dissolve. Then add the oil. The dough should be easy to shape in the hand and not stick to the dish or your hands at all. Transfer the dough to a serving dish and flatten the surface with a rolling pin or hand. Now place the desired tray in the oven for five to ten minutes, depending on the thickness of the dough. The oven temperature should be between 175 and 185 degrees. Set the baking method on the heat from top to bottom until the bread is semi-baked. Next, pour ketchup sauce on the bread and pour a thin layer of cheese on the sauce and arrange any ingredients you like to fill the surface of the bread in order. Our suggestion is to put the mushrooms first, then the peas, and then the bacon, meat or cheese sausage on the pizza as desired, and then add some pizza cheese to it, and then put some pickled peppers completely on the surface of the cheese. Add sesame or black seed to all ingredients as desired. Finally, place the pizza in the oven at the same temperature and let it heat until the cheeses are melted and golden.

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